Our Board of Directors is committed to excellence in corporate governance.
We know that our long-standing tradition of principled, ethical governance benefits you, our customers, employees, and communities. We maintain a governance profile that aligns with industry-leading standards. We believe that the high standards set by our governance structure have had and will continue to have a direct impact on the strength of our business.

The Three Pillars of RSG Corporate Governance
The three pillars of corporate governance are: transparency, accountability, and security. All three are deemed to be critical in successfully running RSG and forming solid, professional relationships among its stakeholders including the board of directors, managers, and employees.
RSG makes its processes and transactions observable to outsiders. It also makes necessary disclosures, informs everyone affected about its decisions, and complies with legal requirements.
Transparency is a critical component of corporate governance because it ensures that all of a company’s actions can be checked at any given time by an outside observer. This makes its processes and transactions verifiable.
Accountability for advancing corporate citizenship starts at the top with RSG’s board of directors, which includes our CEO, and cascades throughout our business. Our governance structure ensures there is a clear path of responsibility for achieving our corporate citizenship goals and driving broader performance on non-financial topics across the organization.
RSG recognizes the fundamental importance of privacy, security, and data protection to our employees, customers, and partners worldwide. This commitment is a critical pillar and increasingly a source of competitive advantage in an era of accelerated innovation, global data proliferation, and fast-changing regulatory frameworks. We build privacy and data protection into the design and development of our products, services, and operations.
We strive to provide protections across all of our operations that exceed legal minimums, and to deploy consistent, rigorous policies and procedures that give people confidence when sharing information with us and using our products and/or services.